
Obama’s People Working Behind the Scenes

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Kevin McCarthy, the former Speaker of the House, alleges that ex-President Barack Obama is clandestinely pulling the strings of Kamala Harris’ 2024 presidential campaign. He made these claims on August 11, 2024, during an interview on 770 WABC’s “The Cats Roundtable,” igniting substantial discussion about the degree of Obama’s sway in Harris’ White House pursuit.

McCarthy, deposed as House Speaker in October 2023, drew attention to the fact that several prominent personnel from Obama’s earlier campaigns are now in Harris’ employ. These include David Plouffe, Obama’s 2008 campaign manager, and Stephanie Cutter, deputy campaign manager for Obama’s 2012 re-election effort.

Plouffe has been appointed as a senior adviser to Harris, marking his reentry into politics following a stint in the private sector. Another veteran from the Obama era, Stephanie Cutter, has assumed the role of a senior adviser for strategy messaging within Harris’ team. Other notable names include Jennifer Palmieri, Obama’s previous White House director of communications, and Eric Holder, Obama’s former Attorney General, who played a role in Harris’ choice of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her vice presidential candidate.

McCarthy’s accusations extend beyond Obama’s alleged covert involvement. He also took issue with Harris’ choice of Walz over Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, characterizing it as a strategic error.

The former Speaker also scrutinized Harris’ legislative track record, focusing primarily on her role in the enactment of President Biden’s pandemic-related stimulus packages.

Contrarily, not everyone is swayed by McCarthy’s claims of Obama’s purported dominance over Harris’ campaign. An ex-top adviser to Obama refuted these allegations, arguing that it is common for veteran Democratic strategists to collaborate on multiple campaigns.

McCarthy’s narrative suggests a party increasingly controlled by figures from Obama’s tenure, with Harris seemingly serving as a conduit for Obama’s persisting influence.

This situation has intensified the ongoing discourse regarding the sway of former presidents in current politics. While the veracity of McCarthy’s claims remains to be confirmed, they undeniably embody the deep-rooted partisan conflicts as the 2024 election draws near.

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