
Popular TV Actress Dies at 92

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Ellen Holly, an iconic figure in American television, passed away on December 6, 2023, in the Bronx, New York City, at 92 years old.

Born in New York City on January 16, 1931, Holly gained fame for her groundbreaking role as Carla Gray on ABC’s “One Life to Live.” Her passing signifies the conclusion of a remarkable career that not only brought her personal success but also profoundly influenced the depiction of race and identity in American media.

Holly’s ascent in the entertainment world began with her acclaimed performances on Broadway, showcasing her considerable acting talent.

In 1957, Holly made her television debut in an episode of “The Big Story,” paving the way for her historic role in “One Life to Live.” As Carla Gray from 1968 to 1980 and again from 1983 to 1985, Holly achieved a personal milestone and set a precedent in television. Being a fair-skinned African American, she initially played Carla as an Italian-American, later incorporating her true African-American identity into the character, reflecting her own experiences and the societal changes of the 1960s.

Her portrayal on “One Life to Live” was revolutionary for its nuanced handling of racial identity and prejudice. The show’s controversial interracial relationship storyline led to its temporary removal by a Texas station, but Holly’s performance captivated millions, especially during her character’s wedding. Beyond “One Life to Live,” Holly continued to impact the acting industry with roles in “Guiding Light,” “In the Heat of the Night,” “Spenser: For Hire,” and a part in Spike Lee’s “School Daze.”

After acting, Holly served as a librarian at the White Plains Public Library and penned her autobiography, “One Life: The Autobiography of an African American Actress,” where she openly discussed her experiences with racial issues in show business.

Holly’s legacy continues through her grand-nieces, Alexa and Ashley Jones, their father Xavier Jones, and other relatives, who are notable members of New York’s African American community.

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