In Mobile County, Alabama, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred on Thursday, September 28. A mother, identified as 37-year-old Nancy Johnson, drowned her two children before allegedly taking her own life. Describing the incident as “horrific,” Mobile County Sheriff Paul Burch shared details of the grim occurrence.
The children, Jacob Johnson, 2, and Mia Johnson, 5, were found drowned in the bathroom, with Mia also having suffered from a knife wound to her throat. Nancy Johnson was discovered hanged from a hallway closet rod using a silk belt. Autopsies later confirmed that drowning was the cause of death for the children, while Mia’s death was compounded by the loss of blood from her knife injury.
When the children’s father, Derek Johnson, arrived at their Semmes, Alabama, home, he made the heartbreaking discovery. The children had been cleaned up after being submerged in water and were subsequently covered with a blanket. Currently, Derek Johnson is not facing any charges as the investigation continues.
Semmes Police Chief Todd Friend expressed his shock over the chilling and unusual characteristics of the crime scene. He revealed that the police had responded to at least six domestic calls at the Johnson residence in recent months, suggesting a turbulent environment. The couple, Nancy and Derek Johnson, were undergoing a divorce and custody battle, with court records indicating signs of mental health issues on Nancy’s part.
In August, Nancy obtained a protection-from-abuse order against Derek in Utah, prompting Derek to file for divorce the following day in Mobile County. Despite their conflicts, Judge Walter Honeycutt granted joint custody to both parents. The order mandated “protective supervision” by the Alabama Department of Human Resources for the children. Additionally, Derek was required to provide a camper trailer in the backyard to accommodate both parents alternately while caring for their children. This new arrangement was set to begin on October 1.