
The Reawaken America Roadshow by Michael Flynn Recruits ‘Army of God’

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Over 3,000 people who attended the ReAwaken Roadshow listened to hours of rhetoric about spiritual and political warfare by numerous speakers at the event.

One of the speakers told the crowd that America was under warfare. Another said he would die for America, while a third said they needed to put on “God’s armor.” Then, toward the end, Michael Flynn, a retired army general, invited the attendees to get baptized.

Numerous people volunteered after the baptism call, as thousands walked to three large tubs filled to the brim with water. One after another, they got into the tubs, and preachers lowered them into the water and invoked the name of Jesus Christ as they welcomed the new members into the movement. A woman at the event wore an ‘Army of God’ T-shirt.

Michael Flynn then took to the stage and told the attendees that the country was in a spiritual and political war and that they needed to get involved.

The ReAwaken movement was founded by Michael Flynn, ex-White House security advisor, and Clay Clark, a businessman from Oklahoma. They started the movement a few months after the January 6 Capitol attack. The movement’s officials and followers still insist that former president Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election, despite numerous court rulings declaring the opposite.

The tour started as ‘Health and Freedom’ events, protesting the COVID-19 regulations imposed by the government, but the events were soon rebranded as the ReAwaken America tour, and their plan slowly started to change after Donald Trump’s 2020 election loss to support the theory that the election had been rigged.

Since April 2021, the tour has been to 15 cities and towns in the US, with 13 events hosted in churches. It has now become a recruiting tool for the Christian nationalist movement that has become quite powerful within the Republican party.

According to the movement’s agenda, an idealistic America would be a Christian country with institutions controlled by Christian values. They have continuously said that the country is under attack from demonic powers and that people should rise and fight to restore America’s Christian roots.

The movements, officials, and speakers refer to the Democrats and government officials as the evil forces taking over the country.

One can only imagine what they want to do to non-Christians, including Muslims and Jews, and they also spout hatred toward minority groups, immigrants and the LGBTQ community.  

The tour was in the Cornerstone Church in Batavia, New York, in August in a tent on the church grounds, and people were packed to the brim. Attendees listened to speakers spew hatred and stir up fear in them, talking about the influx of immigrants who would take all the jobs from Americans. They lumped the LGBTQ community and pedophiles together, calling them sinful people. They told attendees to fear life-saving vaccines because they believed that they were killing people.

Clay Clark, the co-founder, speaking at the Batavia event, said that Donald Trump was their president. Donald Trump’s sons, along with Roger Stone and Robert F. Kennedy Jr, have been speakers at the events.

In every ReAwakening event, the so-called enemies of America are displayed on a huge monitor at the front. They include Former President Barack Obama, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg, and the World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab.

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